Private advocacy.
At Ardynn, we are a private advocacy service, uniquely designed to prioritize the needs of our members above all else. Unlike navigators and coordinators provided by healthcare systems, insurance companies, or nonprofits—whose responsibilities may align with institutional goals—Ardynn’s advocates are exclusively focused on the individual.
Our allegiance is always to you. This independence allows Ardynn advocates the freedom to focus entirely on what is in the best interest of our members, ensuring personalized support for their medical, emotional, financial, social, and caregiving needs. With no competing priorities, we provide the time, attention, and care that truly makes a difference.
Examples of Ardynn advocacy
Personalized treatment guidance
Navigating financial challenges
After receiving a complex denial of coverage for a necessary procedure, a member’s advocate worked directly with their insurance company to appeal the decision—ultimately securing the care they needed without additional financial stress.
Support for caregivers
For a member managing cancer while caring for aging parents, their Ardynn advocate identified resources and coordinated support to ease the caregiving burden, allowing the member to focus on their health.
At Ardynn, every step we take is guided by one purpose: to support what matters most to you.
Capire360: personalized insights that matter.
Cancer is a complex condition where quality of life considerations matter. Having the same diagnosis, doesn’t mean that a treatment that works well for one individual will work as effectively for another. Differences in age, sex, race, and especially health conditions have meaningful differences. That’s where Capire360 adds value—it provides personalized insights that answer the critical question: “What are the outcomes for people like me?”
Leveraging outcomes information from millions of cancer patients in everyday healthcare settings with various comorbidities, health challenges, and diverse backgrounds, Capire360 creates a personalized view of outcomes data aggregated by “people like you”, i.e., similar age, sex, race, health status, and cancer diagnosis. This view allows our members to see the outcomes of cancer treatment decisions made by people like them. For example, if our member is an Asian woman in her 50s with stage II breast cancer and in good health, she can be shown the outcomes of various treatment options she and her oncologist could consider for an Asian women in their 50s with stage II breast cancer and in good health.
Giving you a voice and making sure it’s heard.
Your Ardynn advocate will listen as you articulate what’s most important to you, and help make sure your voice is heard by everyone on your care team. They will help you to ask the right questions and make sense of the answers. They will capture your goals in a personalized report that can be shared with your care team to help ensure everyone supporting you understands what’s most important to you.
Bottomline, Ardynn is here for you and your loved ones for as long as needed– advocating for you every step of the way.
Member Story
Read Richard’s story to see how insights from Capire360 impacted his journey.
Richard is just one of the many members we have helped with personalized, compassionate care that supported and empowered him to make choices that were right for his journey.